
Privacy Policy for Actimate

Privacy Policy for Actimate

Effective Date: April 12, 2024

1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy outlines the data collection, use, and sharing practices of Actimate, accessible at By using Actimate, you consent to the policies and practices described in this document.

2. Data Collection

Actimate collects personal information such as names, email addresses, payment information, and mobile phone numbers for the purpose of order processing, service provision, and SMS messaging services.

3. Non-Personal Data Collection

We also collect non-personal data through web cookies to enhance user experience and analyze website usage.

4. Use of Data

The data collected is used solely for the purpose of providing and improving our services, processing orders, communicating with users, and sending SMS messages for conversational messages, updates, notifications, or marketing purposes with the user's consent.

5. SMS Messaging

Users may opt-in to receive SMS messages from Actimate for conversational messages, updates, notifications, or marketing purposes. Users can opt-out at any time by replying "STOP" to any message. Actimate ensures that the collection and processing of mobile phone numbers for SMS messaging comply with applicable laws and regulations.

6. Data Sharing

Actimate does not share personal data with any third parties, except as necessary for legal compliance, to protect our rights, or to provide the services requested by the user, including the facilitation of SMS messaging.

7. Children’s Privacy

Actimate does not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from children under the age of 13.

8. Changes to the Privacy Policy

Actimate reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. We will notify users of any changes by email. Continued use of our service after such changes constitutes acceptance of the new Privacy Policy.

9. Google API Services User Data Policy

Actimates use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements. If you would like to learn more please visit Google API Services User Data Policy.

10. Sharing of Data with AI Models

Actimate uses Large Language Models (LLMs) made available by providers, such as OpenAI or Google or Anthropic, to facilitate the Actimate chatbot interaction with customers. As of the effective date of this Actimate Privacy Policy, Actimate is using the GPT-4 LLM by OpenAI. When customers provide permission to Actimate to access their Calendar through their Calendar provider, such as Google Calendar, Actimate makes the customers Calendar data available to the LLM to enable the LLM to make updates to the customers schedule in their calendar. At any time, the customer can remove their Calendar provider connection in the Actimate application.

11. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at By using Actimate, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy.